Ear, Nose & Throat, Head & Neck Surgery is a speciality for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving the ear, nose, throat and neck regions.
It includes a range of diseases ranging from blockage of normal function to trauma injury, infection and tumours involving these areas.
Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) covers any conditions of ear, nose, and throat including:
- Hearing & balance
- Ear canal infection
- Foreign body in the ear, nose or throat
- Nasal polyp
- Recurrent tonsillitis
- Abnormal growth in the neck region and many more
- Impacted ear wax
- Ear drum perforation
- Rhinosinusitis
- Allergic rhinitis
- Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
Dr. Nurliza Binti Idris
Visiting Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat, Head & Neck Surgeon
Fellowship in Pediatric ORL (MOH)
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5958)
Dr. Izny Hafiz Bin Zainon
Visiting Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat, Head & Neck Surgeon
Fellowship (Neuro Otology & Lateral Skull Base Surgery (MOH)
04-3739191 (Samb. 5958)
Dr. Zahirrudin Bin Zakaria @Azidin
Visiting Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat, Head & Neck Surgeon
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5958)
Dr. Andrew Chin Hock Kee
Pakar Perunding Bedah Telinga, Hidung & Tekak, Kepala & Leher
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5954)
Dr. Jamal Sazly Bin Jamaluddin
Pakar Perunding Bedah Telinga, Hidung & Tekak, Kepala & Leher
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5952)