Orthopaedic is the branch of surgery that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints and ligaments.
Some of the orthopaedic procedures are:
- Knee arthroscopy
- Knee/ hip replacement
- Repair of fractures
- Lumbar spinal/ sacroiliac joint fusion
Orthopaedic surgery also covers trauma cases including sustained injuries to the neck, chest, abdomen, extremities and soft tissue, as well as injuries to the vasculature.
Dr. Lim Han Sim
Visiting Consultant Orthopaedic & Spine Surgeon
Fellowship in Spine Surgery (Malaysia, Turkey, UK),
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5968)
Dr. Ahmad Fauzey Bin Kassim
Resident Consultant General Orthopaedic and Arthroplasty Surgeon
Fellowship in Joint Reconstruction (Singapore)
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5972)
Dr. Mohd Firdaus Hafni Bin Ahmad
Visiting Consultant General Orthopaedic and Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
04-3739191 (Samb. 5968)
Dr. Ngim Hui-Ling Joanne
Pakar Perunding Bedah Ortopedik & Arthroplasti
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5968)
Dr. Mohamad Sallehuddin Bin Hassan
Pakar Perunding Ortopedik, Anggota Atas & Pakar Bedah Mikro
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5970)
Dr. Moganadass Muniandy
Pakar Perunding Ortopedik, Artroskopi & Pakar Bedah Sukan
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5966)
Dr. Leow Voon Chin
Pakar Perunding Bedah Ortopedik, Kaki & Buku lali
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5964)
Dr. Chua Hwa Sen B.C.N
Pakar Perunding Ortopedik & Arthroplasti
04-373 9191 (Samb. 5968)