Dr. Leong Jen Jen
Resident Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5948)
Dr. Leow Voon Chin
Resident Consultant Orthopaedic, Foot & Ankle Surgeon
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5964)
Dr. Lim Han Sim
Visiting Consultant Orthopaedic & Spine Surgeon
Fellowship in Spine Surgery (Malaysia, Turkey, UK),
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5968)
Dr. Lim Teck Seng
Resident Consultant Emergency Physician
04-373 9191 (Ext. )
Dr. Lim Yik Shen
Visiting Consultant Physician & Nephrologist
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5926)
Dr. Loh Kok Beng
Visiting Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Dr. Loo Lay Khoon
Resident Consultant Physician & Neurologist
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5986)
Dr. Looi Ji Keon
Resident Consultant Anaesthesiologist
04-3739191 (Ext. )
Dr. Low Chung Min
Resident Consultant Physician & Geriatrician
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5838)
Dr. Low Dy-Win
Resident Consultant Dermatologist
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5962)
Dr. Moganadass Muniandy
Resident Consultant Orthopaedic, Arthroscopy & Sports Surgeon
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5966)
Dr. Mohamad Fadli Bin Abd Rahman
Resident Consultant Physician, Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5994)
Dr. Mohamad Sallehuddin Bin Hassan
Resident Consultant Consultant Orthopaedic, Upper Limb & Microsurgeon
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5970)
Dr. Mohamed Azlam Bin Mohamed Micdhadhu
Visiting Consultant Physician & Neurologist
Fellowship in Stroke Neurology (UKMMC)
04-373 9191 (Ext. )
Dr. Mohd Firdaus Hafni Bin Ahmad
Visiting Consultant General Orthopaedic and Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
04-3739191 (Ext. 5968)
Dr. Nabilah Binti Abdul Rahman
Visiting Consultant Rehabilitation Physician
Area of Special Interest Neuro-Rehabilitation (Germany/MOH)
04-3739191 (Ext. 5926)
Dr. Narazah Binti Mohd Yusoff
Visiting Consultant Haematopathologist
MMed Haematology (London),PhD Medical Genetics (Kobe)
04-3739191 (Ext. )
Dr. Ng Kooi Heng
Resident Consultant Physician & Rheumatologist
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5834)
Dr. Ng Rui Lun (Roland)
Resident Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Cardiologist
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5946)
Dr. Ngim Hui-Ling Joanne
Visiting Consultant Orthopaedic & Arthroplasty Surgeon
04-373 9191 (Ext. 5968)